Titanic – Behind the Scenes of the Classic Romantic Movie Based on a True Story

Meant to be

Kate Winslet has been very vocal about how she was meant to play the part of Rose in Titanic. She wanted it so badly! Before she finally landed the role, the actress sent the director, James Cameron, notes every day trying to convince him that she was born to be Rose! That’s a risky move if you ask me.


Photo by Merie W Wallace / 20th Century Fox / Paramount / Kobal / Shutterstock.com

In her letters to the director, she told him that he should stop auditions and not bother seeing any other actresses. Although some people would find this quite annoying, it worked in her favor. The risk paid off because Cameron loved her persistence and ultimately chose her for the part. Winslet portrayed the character brilliantly, so everything worked out the way it should have.

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