Titanic – Behind the Scenes of the Classic Romantic Movie Based on a True Story

Obsessed with Shipwrecks

Before he started to film the movie, James Cameron wanted to see the Titanic remains for himself. Shipwrecks kind of fascinated him, and he went on multiple diving expeditions to see the boat. It really helped him grasp the essence of the events. However, he also described his under-the-sea tour as a really emotional experience.


Photo by 20th Century Fox / Paramount / Kobal / Shutterstock.com

Cameron was inspired to make such a monumental movie during his time underwater when he saw the ship for himself. In total, the director made 12 dives down to see the shipwreck. This means he spent more time with the Titanic than the actual passengers did before the boat sank. It just shows the dedication and connection that he had to the historic tragedy.

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