The Men Behind Tarzan: The Real-Life Jungle Man and the Troubled Author Who Brought Him to Life

The Best Tarzan Movies

Over the years, tons of films have been made, presenting their own adaptation of the evergreen character. But not all of them are as good as the rest. If you’re wondering which of the Tarzan movies are worth seeing – or maybe you’ve already seen them – then these are the ones to check out. One of the best of all time is the first: 1918’s ‘Tarzan of the Apes.’


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The silent film stars Elmo Lincoln as Tarzan and Enid Markey as his beloved Jane. The film shares its title with Burroughs’ novel, and it was the first-ever adaptation of Tarzan. In fact, the movie is only based on the first part of Burroughs’ novel. There was also a sequel, ‘The Romance of Tarzan,’ that follows Tarzan into the West, but it was less successful. Tarzan of the Apes is considered to be one of the most faithful takes on the original source material.

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