The Actress Turned Princess Literally Fell From Grace

She Had a Thing for Her Older Costars

Later that same year, Kelly got a small part as Gary Cooper’s young bride in High Noon. Let it be known that before she became a princess, she had an adventurous dating life. She fell for many of her older costars, which only added to biographers’ (and my own) belief that Kelly had some daddy issues.

Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly's romantic pose on the set of High Noon.

Photo by Sunset Boulevard/Corbis/Getty Images

These older gentleman lovers included Clark Gable , Ray Milland, and in the film High Noon, Gary Cooper. While filming together, 51-year-old Cooper and 22-year-old Kelly began a boiling affair. When describing their romance, Cooper said, “She looked like a cold dish with a man until you got her pants down.” (Eye roll)

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