Pretty Woman Movie Secrets We Never Would Have Guessed

The Mystery of the Disappearing Croissant

Many movies have minor discrepancies, and if you have a sharp eye, you’d probably notice most of them. Pretty Woman, however, had one major continuity error that almost everyone noticed immediately. And it was a funny one, too.


Source: Buena Vista Pictures

During the breakfast scene, Vivian was asking Edward what he did for a living; and she was eating a croissant at the time. The camera then cut away from her, and when it returned, the croissant had magically disappeared, and she was eating a pancake instead! Wait, what? The croissant couldn’t have transformed magically into a pancake, that’s for sure. So either production made a blunder, or Julia Roberts simply ate the entire croissant in that time. What really happened, we’ll never know unless someone lets the cat out of the bag.

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