Breakfast at Tiffany’s: The Story of America’s Sweetheart, Audrey Hepburn

Sing Us a Song

Hepburn was supposed to sing for her role in the movie, ‘My Fair Lady,’ but as we mentioned before, her singing voice wasn’t the best there was. And that may be a nice way to put it. The producers weren’t so gung-ho on keeping her voice for the film. So they had to figure out what to do. So, what they did was replace her vocals with those of another actress: Marion Nixon.


My Fair Lady – 1964, Audrey Hepburn. Photo By Warner Bros/Kobal/Shutterstock

Hepburn obviously found out, and when she did, she stormed off the set. But she returned the next day and was very apologetic for her “wicked behavior.” And to be honest, it must have been hard to stay mad at her. I mean, look at that face!

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