The Sad True Story Behind John Pemberton and the Invention of Coca-Cola

MagiCans Catastrophe

Coca-Cola came out with an expensive promotional campaign called “MagiCans” in 1990. Whenever someone bought a soda, there was a chance to get a special randomly distributed spring-loaded can that would spit out a rolled-up bill- from $1-$500. To keep it fair, the company needed to make sure that the buyers couldn’t distinguish the “real” Coke from the prize one.


Source: Pinterest

The company created a concoction of water, chlorine, and ammonium sulfate. It had a terrible smell to discourage drinking. Unfortunately, some customers drank the potentially poisonous substance anyway and threatened to sue. I personally think they should have seen that coming. Putting a chlorine-based substance is a beverage bottle is sure to cause some kind of issue.

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