Women of Power: 10 Examples of Female Heads of State

UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

Nicknamed the ‘Iron Lady,’ Margaret Thatcher was known for her strong leadership qualities and bold decision-making. Her reign was controversial but memorable as she implemented her political style that came to be known as Thatcherism. Originally a research chemist at Oxford University, Thatcher later pursued politics and became Prime Minister in 1979.


October 1985: British prime minister Margaret Thatcher looking pensive at the Conservative Party Conference in Blackpool. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Immensely popular in her early years, Thatcher worked to reduce unemployment as well as securing victory in the Falklands War. She was re-elected for two more terms and was one of the first global leaders to push for new policies to combat climate change. She received many honors and awards, as well as famously being portrayed by Meryl Streep in 2011’s The Iron Lady.

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