They Sat Down to Take a Stand, Starting a Movement

Sandwiches, Milkshakes, and Nerves

The group of four decided that they would repeat the process every day for as long as it took. Their goal: to attract widespread attention on the issue, forcing Woolworth’s (and hopefully other establishments) to implement desegregation.


Woolworth’s lunch counter circa 1964. Source: Pinterest

So, as they were about to sit at the lunch counter, adrenaline rushed through them. This was it – their plan was now put in action. As they sat there, they could smell the ham and egg salad sandwiches, hear the whirr of the soda fountain, and the low chatter of diners. But aside from the aromas they were smelling, they could also sense others looking at them. The four students looked at one another, nodded in agreement, and then silently walked forward.

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