The Show Must Go On: The Tale of Comedy Pioneers, the Three Stooges

Moe’s Signature Bowl Cut

One of the key things that made Moe iconic was his signature “bowl cut” hairstyle. There are many different theories of what inspired the haircut, but a popular one suggests it’s his mother’s fault. Apparently, when Moe was born, his mom was hoping to have a girl, so she didn’t cut his hair.


Moe Howard, Larry Fine And Joe Derita In ‘Snow White And The Three Stooges,’ Photo By Granger/Shutterstock

Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly, Moe was bullied by some of the kids at school. So, he snuck into a shed with some friends, and they chopped off his long locks, using a bowl to guide the haircut. Apparently, he was scared to show his mom his new look, but she actually loved it.

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