The Show Must Go On: The Tale of Comedy Pioneers, the Three Stooges

The Big ‘50s Change

If you’ve watched the Stooges’ films, you’ve probably noticed a significant difference between the ‘30s and ‘40s episodes compared to the ones in the ‘50s. I’m not talking about casting; I mean the quality of the actual episodes. The new decade came with changes in the film and TV industries. After the department downsized, the production team needed to make all kinds of cuts to stay on budget.


Have Rocket Will Travel – 1959. Photo By Columbia/Kobal/Shutterstock

In an attempt to compensate, they switched up the way the episodes were written since they had different directors and writers. They started to spend more time editing old footage to recycle and less time shooting new stuff. Later on it the ‘50s, it seemed like their act was reaching retirement, but not before some major cast changes.

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