The Show Must Go On: The Tale of Comedy Pioneers, the Three Stooges

Stiffing the Stooges

Ted Healy wasn’t the only guy to screw over the stooges when it came to money. Unfortunately, their contract with the studio also stiffed them. For the entire 24 years that they were working with Columbia Pictures, none of the three stooges ever got a raise.


The Three Stooges, 1958. Photo By Hollywood Photo Archive/Mediapunch/Shutterstock

On top of all that, the guys were unaware of how big and famous they actually were. They were under the impression that their short films weren’t doing too well and were losing popularity. It wasn’t until years later that they finally realized how famous their act was. Yikes! If only Google and social media were a thing back then… then they definitely would have known!

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