The Recast of G.O.T Cast Members With American Actors

How About Dane DeHaan as Joffrey Baratheon?

It’s been a while since Joffrey Baratheon has appeared on our television screens, but the petulant King will forever be ingrained into our minds, I mean, how could he not be? Despite being a few years older, Dane DeHaan is an obvious choice to play the role. Not only has Dane demonstrated an ability to play a villain, but the 33-year-old shows a familiar devilish-stare that Joffrey would often utilize.



Jack Gleeson, (Joffrey), decided to quit acting after he played the character of Joffrey. He mentioned that he now takes part in a small theatre company. He said that they write, produce and perform their own work. He prefers that kind of thing rather involving collaboration with friends than acting in a blockbuster. He said that he could change his mind at any time, he is only 23 years old and is quite open to change.

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