The Recast of G.O.T Cast Members With American Actors

How About Angelina Jolie as Cersei Lannister?

Let’s start by saying that it’s difficult to imagine anyone ever filling Lena Headey’s shoes with the role of Cersei Lannister. However, I think that Angelina Jolie would absolutely fit the bill. In fact, Angie has a look that possesses the intensity, the attitude and the intimidation factor necessary to portray the role. There aren’t many people who are able to go from a sweet, caring mother to be a total badass in a matter of seconds.



If you were left disappointed by Cersei Lannister’s anticlimactic death, you aren’t alone. Actress Lena Headey said that she wished her character had gone out in a different way too. For almost eight whole seasons, after playing such a major role, people almost start wondering which ways and how the character will die. However, no one expected that.

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