The Night That Changed Everything: Titanic Survivors

Molly Brown

Once the ship reached New York, news of her selfless bravery made her famous. She later wrote to her daughter, “After being brined, salted, and pickled in mid-ocean, I am now high and dry. I have had flowers, letters, telegrams, people, until I am befuddled. They are petitioning Congress to give me a medal… if I must call a specialist to examine my head, it is due to the title of Heroine of the Titanic.”


Molly Brown. Photo by Granger / Shutterstock

The renowned Molly Brown didn’t let fame get to her head. Instead, she continued fighting for causes such as women’s suffrage and workers’ right. The powerhouse even ran for Congress and earned a French Legion of Honor award after she helped with relief efforts in France during World War I. Brown also dabbled in acting before she passed away in 1932.

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