The Men Behind Tarzan: The Real-Life Jungle Man and the Troubled Author Who Brought Him to Life

Jane of the Jungle

I’m going to guess that throughout this article, you’ve been wondering about Jane and if she’s also inspired by a real person. I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but Tarzan’s lady friend, who first showed up in Tarzan of the Apes in 1912, appears to be a pure figment of Burroughs’ imagination.


Photo by Moviestore Collection / Shutterstock

Jane’s character was such a hit among readers that it led Burroughs to write a series of tales about Tarzan and Jane’s life together in the jungle. And word has it that the fictional Jane actually inspired a real-life Jane to live among the beautiful furry creatures in Africa. Jane Goodall has been reported as saying, “Silly man. He married the wrong Jane.”

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