How Old Is Peter Pan?
So how old is Peter Pan? Although it sounds like a simple question, the debate is still going on. One opinion states that since Peter Pan was first published in 1906, Peter is at least 110 years old & Barrie was born in 1860. Therefore, Peter is 156 years old.

‘Peter Pan and Wendy’ ‘Peter Pan and Wendy’ by James Matthew Barrie. Captain Hook and Peter Pan fight. Photo by Culture Club/Getty Images
But seriously, if we try to answer how old Peter Pan is in the book, there are a few debates about how old Peter pan is. The oldest he ever appears to be is 13. The novel states that he still has all his baby teeth. A Quora reader by the name of Raymond Martinez wrote: “Usually, children before the age of adolescence still have some “milk teeth” or the teeth that grew out from their infancy. These milk teeth, or first teeth, normally get replaced by permanent teeth as children transition from childhood to adolescence. It would be quite safe to assume that Peter Pan’s age is no more than 12 years old in the story. And he never grows old, hence his milk teeth are still intact.