The Dark Origins of the Boy Who Never Grew Up: Peter Pan

Boys Will be Boys

Of course, today, the “wildness” of boyhood is considered toxic masculinity. In his book, Gibson wrote, “When he starts out to be a boy, he is more a little beast.” He went on to explain, “He is, though, a man in the making.” Soon after, immense efforts to develop and protect the organic nature of boyhood began.

An illustration of Michael riding on the back of the dog Nana from Peter Pan, 1904.

Photo by Historia / Shutterstock

“Boys will be boys” was a pretty big priority at the time. This is obviously completely different than society’s outlook on the subject today. In 1908, Robert Baden-Powell wrote “Scouting for Boys,” which helped spark The Boy Scout Movement. Furthermore, in 1917, Father O’Flanagan established the orphanage Boys Town in Nebraska. Oh, how things have changed.

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