The Cary Grant We Knew Was a Carefully Crafted Façade

The Dashing Actor

Grant was actually born in England in 1904 and became an American citizen in 1942. Grant launched himself into stardom with his comedic skills and eventually transformed himself into a romantic leading man who starred opposite on-screen beauties like Grace Kelly and Ingrid Berman.

A portrait of Cary Grant.

Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images

Cary Grant’s movies tend to be remembered for the actor’s laidback charm and tendency to allow the woman to be the sexually dominant one. This unique quality made Cary Grant appealing to all audiences. However, the star often found himself lost between his public persona and his real identity, saying, “I’ve often been accused by the critics of being myself on screen. But being oneself is more difficult than you’d suppose.”

Without further ado, this is the private life of a Hollywood Golden Age icon, Cary Grant.

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