The Actress Turned Princess Literally Fell From Grace

Prince Albert Always Tried to Protect Her

Rainier never remarried, and when he died in 2005, he was buried next to his late wife. The royal couple had three children; two princesses and Prince Albert, who has told Fox News that he’s always “felt a sense of responsibility” to protect his late mother. The now 61-year-old prince explained that since they never traveled as a whole family together, he and his mother would travel together a lot – just the two of them.

Grace Kelly is the picture of contentment as she relaxes at a poolside with her nine-year-old son Prince Albert.w

Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images

“She called me her traveling companion,” he fondly recalled. “I felt a sense of responsibility, even though I was very young.” Albert explained that while she was clearly the one taking care of him, he still felt that he had to take care of her at times, too.

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