The Actress Turned Princess Literally Fell From Grace

She Read Hitchcock’s Mind

Hitchcock claimed that Kelly could practically read his mind. In Dial M for Murder, Kelly insisted that her character wouldn’t slip a bathrobe on just to answer the phone. And the notoriously hard-headed director agreed with her. She was on a roll in her life – finally, after years of failure – and she found herself on a lucky streak.

Alfred Hitchcock plans a shot with his crew and actress Grace Kelly on the movie set.

Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

One night at a casino in Cannes, she and costume designer Edith Head swore that they would only gamble $10 – no more – on the roulette wheel. As it usually went, Head lost everything instantly. Kelly, on the other hand, waited and then put all ten dollars on the number 6. She won $350.

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