Stuff You Didn’t Know About America’s National Treasure: Mount Rushmore

Sunrise View

Borglum decided this location was perfect because of how high the cliff was, compared to the surrounding area. He also loved the composition of the brickwork because it would last a long time. His favorite part about this location was that it faced the southeast. This meant they could take advantage of the sunrise every morning. To get support from congress and the funding to continue, Robinson worked with John Boland, President Calvin Coolidge, Rep. William Williamson, and Sen. Peter Norbeck.



Out of all the United States presidents, Washington was the sickliest. He suffered many different illnesses throughout his life. He may have possibly died due to medical malpractice. On the day of his death in 1799, Washington was being treated, and 5 pints of blood were removed from his body. In later years with medical advancements, that proved to be too much.

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