Sophia Loren Is Still as Feisty as Ever in Her Mid-80s

This Famous Photo Is Not What You Think It Is

One of the most famous photos – if not THE most famous – is this one of Sophia Loren giving cut eye to Jane Mansfield. From the looks of it, Loren is hating on her blonde table buddy, but as it turns out, the photo is quite deceptive. Loren explained that the photo was taken at a Paramount Studios cocktail party where she was the guest of honor.

Sophia Loren gives a cut-eye to Jane Mansfield at an event.

Photo by Joe Shere

As the story goes, after The Pride and the Passion (her first American film, in which she co-starred with Cary Grant and Frank Sinatra), Loren became a worldwide icon. She took her husband Carlo Ponti to the Beverly Hills Hotel for the event at Romanoff’s restaurant. Just as Loren was being bombarded by photographers, Mansfield strutted in.

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