Rolling in Reality TV Dough? This is How Much Reality Stars Actually Make

What Not to Wear

How much: 0$, plus taxes on gift money

Who else here was a huge fan of What Not to Wear? TLC took the fashion-challenged people that walk among us and morphed them into the confident little butterflies they came to be for over the show’s 10 seasons.


Source: YouTube

Ever since the show ended in 2013, secrets have been revealed. One was the fact that the $5,000-dollar gift card given to the participants for a new wardrobe didn’t go far. Guests were allowed to keep whatever is left, but they had to pay taxes on the $5000.

A former contestant said on Reddit, “One of the producers told me the first day to NOT spend all $5000 and set aside some of the money for taxes” which sometimes came out to $2,000!

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