Pretty Woman Movie Secrets We Never Would Have Guessed

Not the First Choice

Since Roberts was the perfect Vivian, it’s hard to believe that she was never the first choice for the vivacious character that she played. The role was first offered to Molly Ringwald of The Breakfast Club fame in the ’80s, who also had several other hit movies under her belt, including Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink – a sensation in her golden days.


Source: Universal / Kobal /

But the role of Vivian was too risqué for Molly Ringwald, and she turned it down immediately without even considering it. She said that she felt uncomfortable with the role she was offered and also with the movie’s content. Later, however, she admitted that she regretted not accepting the role. But it was meant not to be because Ringwald’s decision thrust Roberts onto the pedestal that she is on today.

Pretty Woman Movie Secrets We Never Would Have Guessed

The Ones Who Got Away

After Julia Roberts was cast as the red-headed Vivian Ward, and before Richard Gere had accepted the role of Edward Lewis, a lot of notable actors came to audition for the leading man’s role, including Charles Grodin and the one and only Al Pacino. 10 different men ended up coming for the screen-test, but coincidentally, none of them fit the bill.


Source: Moviestore Collection /

By this point, producers and directors were unsure of what they really wanted. Gary Marshall, however, had his eye on the reluctant Richard. Eventually, Richard Gere agreed to play Edward, and it’s a good thing he did because we all love him as Vivian’s beau. Not to mention – once again – that the chemistry between the two actors is incredible.

Pretty Woman Movie Secrets We Never Would Have Guessed

Car Companies Want Out

Edward Lewis was portrayed in the movie as a young, rich bachelor: a Richie Rich leading an emotionally empty and incredibly unfulfilling life. He was used to using the money to buy happiness – which didn’t last long – and sports cars were one of his fancies. But we all know that money can’t buy happiness.


Source: Buena Vista Pictures

The directors wanted Edward to be roaming around town at night in his fancy car, driving away from his worries in a Porsche or a Ferrari. But neither company wanted their car to be featured in a film that had adult themes. Eventually, Lotus got the contract, and after the movie was released and became a box office hit, their sales tripled. The other car companies were probably left regretting their decisions.

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