Olivia vs. Joan: Hollywood’s Coldest Feud Between Sisters

A Deep Hatred for Each Other

Oh, and there was also the time when Olivia broke Joan’s collarbone when Joan tried to pull her older sister into a swimming pool. In 1942, the young women were profiled in LIFE magazine during a particularly low point in their relationship. The article serves as a candid picture of just how deep their hatred for each other was.

A portrait of Joan Fontaine and her sister, Olivia de Havilland, both British actresses, standing in conversation by a tree.

Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

The piece in the magazine stated: “At the age of nine, Joan decided she would kill her sister. She thought it all out carefully: She would let Olivia hit her once and then again in silence. But after the third blow, she would plug Olivia between the eyes.”

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