Murder in the Mailroom: The “Going Postal” Phenomenon

The Event That Inspired the Term “Going Postal”

The post office shooting that inspired the phrase “going postal” occurred on August 20, 1986, in Edmond, Oklahoma, and it was the first, and deadliest (14 were killed), of its kind. It was only after 45-year-old Patrick Henry Sherrill did what he did that we understood just how much he fit the mass murderer profile.

A portrait of Patrick Henry Sherrill.

Patrick Henry Sherrill. Source: Pinterest

A former Marine and sharpshooter who said he was in Vietnam (his records prove he never was), he served on the National Guard’s rifle team and was known as a weapons expert. He was also a stereotypical loner with no close friends or family. For years, he lived with his mother in Oklahoma City.

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