Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy’s Twisted Romance

The End of Her Childhood

Hepburn returned to the apartment one day to find that Tom had taken his own life. He was 16 years old. This crushed Hepburn. She became a nervous wreck, secluded herself from other children, and eventually dropped out of school. For many years, Hepburn even used Tom’s birthday, November 8th, as her own.

Katharine and her brother Tom holding hands in the backyard at a young age.

Source: Reddit

It wasn’t until her 1991 autobiography that the actress revealed her real birth date. Luckily, everything changed for Hepburn when she discovered her love for acting while taking classes at Bryn Mawr, a small liberal arts college in Pennsylvania. Before long, Hepburn became one of the most talked-about students on campus. That’s when she met her first husband, Ludlow Ogden Smith.

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