Glamourous Starlets and Moon Walking Geniuses: Stars of the ’60s

Cary Grant

With his sharp demeanor and charming Transatlantic accent, the British actor, formerly known as Archibald Leach, starred in several famous Hitchcock films throughout the ’60s (as well as some other acting gigs). While most of his work was actually in the ’50s, he still shined in the subsequent decade.

British born actor Cary Grant

Photo by Robert Coburn Sr/Getty Images

Cary was still considered an A-lister, so much so that he was granted the honor of starring alongside the legendary and beautiful Audrey Hepburn . He was also the original contender for the role of James Bond. But due to his age at the time (he was in his 50s), Cary wanted to do just one Bond film. Producers wanted a long-term guy, so they eventually dropped him and took Sean Connery instead.

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