Childhood Dream Turned Reality
“Mission Impossible: Fallout” is set to release on July to August worldwide this year (2018) and who would not have known the famous protagonist of the movie franchise – No other than the dashing actor Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is every girls’ dream, and Katie Holmes is one of those girls. When she was younger, Katie had a crush on Tom Cruise and years after they got married. Amazing isn’t it? Katie Holmes husband was once her crush – A childhood dream that turned to reality. The couple became husband and wife in front of more than 150 guests at the Odescalchi Castle in Lake Bracciano, Italy on November 18, 2006. Though “Top Gun” was one of the most iconic movies in Tom Cruise’s career, the movie song was about breakups. Similar to the songs’ meaning, the couple separated in 2012 and Katie’s dream wedding was turned into a divorce.