Casablanca: The Facts Behind the Most Romantic Movie Ever Made

Ingrid Bergman’s Height Was an Issue

One particular thing that the creators of Casablanca didn’t want was for the female lead to be taller than Humphrey Bogart. But Ingrid Bergman was 5cm taller than him. Unfortunately, Warner Brothers signed with Ingrid Bergman before they ever realized that she was taller than her co-star. If you’re wondering why you never noticed this in the film, it’s because they didn’t want you to.


Source:, Copyrights: Warner Bros.

The production did everything they could to make Bogart appear taller than his lover. They had him sit on cushions, stand on blocks, and wear platform shoes. He did look bigger in the film, but it was all an illusion. That’s what he call smoke and mirrors, folks. Or at least they did in those days.

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