Before You See the Next Terminator Movie, Know the Facts!

The Idea for Terminator Came From a Nightmare

Director and co-writer James Cameron first came up with the idea for The Terminator when he was stressed out and fever-stricken in Rome. It was during production on his low-budget horror flick, Piranha II: The Spawning. Apparently, he agreed to direct it…reluctantly.


Source: Infovisual

Word has it that Cameron dreamed of a solid chrome torso crawling out of and away from an explosion, dragging itself across the ground. Cameron quickly thought of a story of a robot assassin sent back in time to kill the mother of a son who will become the savior of humankind. And thus, The Terminator was born.

Fun fact: Cameron has since disowned the movie Piranha II and considers The Terminator to be his first movie.

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