Andy Warhol: An Artist Who Influenced A Lot More Than Just Modern Art

Developing His Skills

Andy Warhol definitely had the time at home to develop his love of art, as he spent the majority of his time drawing and listening to music. There were other factors that affected his life also, like his high school and college education. Warhol went to Schenley High School and graduated in 1945. He won a Scholastic Art and Writing Award during his high school years. Warhol really wanted to become an art teacher and was planning on studying art education at the University of Pittsburgh.

A still from Ari and Mario from 1966.

Source: The Andy Warhol Museum

But life happens, and he ended up enrolling in the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University). He was an active club member, taking part in the Modern Dance Club and Beaux Arts Society. He was even the art director of Cano, which was the student art magazine, putting out two full-page interior illustrations. As far as we know, those are his first real known artworks. He graduated with a degree in Fine Arts.

From college to New York City…

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