A Love Goddess: The Tragic Life of Rita Hayworth

During the 1940s, there wasn’t a person who didn’t know the name Rita Hayworth. Nicknamed the “Love Goddess” by the press for her glamorous presence on screen, she was the biggest star of her time, appearing in 61 films over 37 years. While Hayworth might have looked like she had the perfect life, she was actually hiding a lot of pain.

Rita Hayworth holds baby Rebecca / Rita Hayworth / Rita Hayworth and Fred Astaire / Rita Hayworth and Orson Welles.

Source: Getty Images

From her childhood traumas to her tumultuous love affairs, Hayworth’s life was anything but easy. Behind her glitzy persona was a woman holding on to many secrets, which people only found out about after her death. Find out the real story behind the glitz and charm of the Love Goddess and her not-so-perfect life.

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