A Closer Look into Hollywood’s Leading Man, Robert Redford

If you mention Robert Redford’s name to anybody, it’s highly likely that their first thoughts will be either “movie star,” “Sundance Kid,” or “Oscar-winning director.” Or maybe “silver fox.” And if you were to ask me, I would immediately think of an older version of Brad Pitt. The 83-year-old (how is that even possible?!) has been a Hollywood icon for as long as he’s been in the industry.

Robert Redford

Source: Shutterstock

Most people know him as a famous actor and director, but there’s a lot more to the talented gentleman. From a childhood battle with polio to being a teenage hoodlum to a bout of alcoholism to the tragic loss of his first child, there is a lot to learn about Robert Redford. The now devoted grandfather has some fascinating life events behind him and some wisdom he can throw around for those who are willing to listen. Are you? I thought so.

Enjoy the following 42 Robert Redford facts that will turn you into an even bigger fan.

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