Breakfast at Tiffany’s: The Story of America’s Sweetheart, Audrey Hepburn

Her Pet Fawn

Sure, most people have cats and dogs, and then there’s even the occasional bunny and gerbil. Right? What pet do you have? I would bet that it isn’t a baby deer. Well, Hepburn had one. She wasn’t interested in conventional pets. Rather, she opted to take in a pet fawn (baby deer) named Pippin. And I gotta admit, the name Pippin for a deer is the perfect choice.


Source: AnOther Magazine

The baby deer was actually a part of the movie she was in called ‘Green Mansions.’ The film’s animal trainer suggested that Audrey take the fawn home so he could get familiar to her. Hepburn fell in love with the little Bambi, choosing to adopt the baby deer once filming was done.

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