Breakfast at Tiffany’s: The Story of America’s Sweetheart, Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Would have Turned 90 This Year

The irony (and the sad truth) is that while everyone adored her and envied her looks, Audrey Hepburn hated her appearance. It is unfortunate considering the fact that so many idolized her beauty. On what would have been her 90th birthday, her son Luca Dotti revealed something about his mother that not many knew and many would be shocked to hear.


Audrey Hepburn: Portraits of an Icon exhibition, London, Britain – 01 Jul 2015. Luca Dotti, son of Audrey Hepburn. Photo By Ray Tang/Shutterstock

At the party, he revealed how his mother hated things about herself: her nose, her feet, and even her waistline. “She knew people saw her that way, but she didn’t see herself as beautiful at all,” Luca Dotti told The Lady. “She was actually quite self-conscious about her defects – her nose, her feet, too skinny, not enough this or that.”

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