The Story of Three Identical Strangers is Darker Than Meets the Eye

Are There Others?

VICE asked them if there could still be others out there who have no idea they were separated at birth. David responded by saying that they were pretty sure that the sets of twins who chose not to come forward when the film was being made eventually met through social media.


Source: Direct Expose

So what about the nature versus nurture dispute? VICE wanted to know what their thoughts were about that. Wardle said his understanding evolved after making the film. “I came in believing very strongly in nurture. I was shocked to discover just how influential DNA is. The idea that you could make decisions in your life for reasons that hinge on your ancestors—that you can’t fight and do unconsciously—it’s freaky,” he said candidly. And freaky it is. Wardle jokingly revealed how when the brothers showed up for the first meeting, they were wearing the same shoes.

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