The Story of Three Identical Strangers is Darker Than Meets the Eye

No Lawsuit… Yet

When the brothers learned about the study, they consulted a lawyer but were told that the statute of limitations might be an issue in the case. The statute of limitations can prevent former study subjects from taking legal action against the Jewish Board.


Source: Entertainment Daily

Therefore, a lawsuit hasn’t been filed. Bobby found it ludicrous, saying: “It’s not like someone left a scalpel in someone’s belly button. How many cases like this do you have to compare it to? What they did to us wasn’t a question of law. These people were entrusted with God-like power and decisions.”

The documentary ‘Three Identical Strangers,’ as fascinating as it is, still has many unknowns…

The Story of Three Identical Strangers is Darker Than Meets the Eye

Gaining Access to the Study Records

As they were making the documentary, the team helped the brothers fight for access to the study’s records. “We were driven by the injustice on behalf of the brothers,” director Wardle stated. “(Producer) Becky (Read) spent nine months working with the brothers to access the material … files and footage that should rightfully be theirs.”


Photo by Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images for SCAD

After months in pursuit, the brothers got their hands on about 11,000 pages of records – information that hadn’t been seen in decades. But it wasn’t all seen in the film. Why? Because it was released after the film was finished.

The Story of Three Identical Strangers is Darker Than Meets the Eye

Personal Stuff

“There’s a huge amount of personal stuff in those records that are private for a reason,” the producer said. “To access their records for the first time in years … that, I think, has been an accomplishment to them. To have some sense of ownership of this after having no control for many years over how their lives were orchestrated.”


Source: Channel 24

In the documentary, the brothers talk openly about what it was like to be studied, seemingly unaware that those tests they were given were not part of a regular child development study.

And some of those tests were filmed…

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