Like Something Out of the Twilight Zone
Bobby continued on to his dorm room, where he met another student named Michael Domnitz. Michael took one look at Bobby and knew something was very peculiar. As it turns out, Michael was best friends with Eddy, who went to the same college the year prior. But Eddy dropped out the previous semester.

David Kellman (open shirt with chain) and Eddy Galland on the dance floor at Xenon. September 23, 1980. Photo by Hal Goldenberg/New York Post Archives /(c) NYP Holdings, Inc. via Getty Images
Hence, all the students giving Bobby warm welcomes – they figured he was Eddy! Michael knew right away that he was looking not at Eddy, but his long lost twin brother. After asking Bobby what his birthday was, he knew he was looking at Eddy’s twin as he knew that he was adopted at birth.
And he knew exactly what he had to do next…