The Story of Three Identical Strangers is Darker Than Meets the Eye

Leaving Behind a Wife and Child

In 1995, the brothers were torn apart after struggling with the restaurant and their families, but this time it was forever. Eddy chose to take his life at his home in New Jersey. Tragically, he left behind a wife and a young child. At that point, the triplets had spent less than 15 years knowing each other.


Source: Drawing Pics

Eddy’s passing in 1995 could have been related to the trauma of his childhood and his struggle to make connections and friendships with others. According to the documentary’s director Tim Wardle, Eddy and his adoptive father “had a different idea of what men should be,” and the two fought often.

So what was this mysterious study that led to such tragedy? It all began with a doctor named Peter Neubauer…

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