The Rockefeller Family: The Story Behind Their Wealth and Power

Rockefeller made his Money before the Demand for Gasoline

Rockefeller retired from business right before gasoline and motor oil was flourishing, thanks to the automobile and aviation engines. Still, he retained huge stock shares in all the companies that emerged from Standard Oil after the government broke it up because of his monopoly, and his wealth continued to grow for the rest of his life.


John D. Rockefeller Sr. circa 1932. Photo by Underwood Archives / Shutterstock

At one time, it was widely believed in the United States that if a gas station’s logo included the colors red, white, and blue, it was produced by Standard Oil. Rockefeller’s genius innovations and impressive business relationships to move the products seem to be forgotten. They tend to be overlooked by the massive fortune he built, and the questionable ethics of how he got rich.

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