The Philadelphia Experiment and the Story of a Time Traveler

Another Timeline

According to Titor, when he was 13 in the year 2011, he joined a shotgun infantry unit in Florida called Fighting Diamondbacks for at least four years. In some of his other posts, he mentioned that he was hiding from the war. He also explained that the “Everett-Wheeler model of quantum physics” (the many-worlds interpretation) was, in fact, correct.


Photo by Markus Oblander / imageBROKER/Shutterstock

Basically, Titor claimed that by time-traveling, he created a new time-stream. This means that if his predictions don’t come true, they might be happening in a different timeline. Some believers explain that the events that should have happened may have been averted because of Titor’s posts. Does that mean that every time someone travels in time, they essentially create another parallel universe?

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