The Cuddling Couple From Titanic: Ida and Isidor Straus

That Fateful Night

Just before midnight on April 14, 1912, the Titanic infamously sunk to the bottom of the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. After hitting the iceberg, the “unsinkable” ship began letting seawater in through holes in its hull. When it became evident that the ship was going down, Ida and Isidor threw on life jackets and ran to the deck as they were told.

An overcrowded lifeboat is lowered from the stricken Titanic.

Photo by John Pratt/Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

There were ship officers lowering lifeboats on the deck, prioritizing women, children, and first-class passengers to board first. We all know the tragic story of that fateful night, but not many people know the love story of this couple on that ship.

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