Whom Were the Kids Named After?
Bobbi stated in a column that finding names for seven kids at once is easier than choosing one for a single baby. That is because the couple had the occasions honor both their families at the same time, and also select some names they liked but did not have a family connection. Alexis is named after Bobbi’s sister and grandmother, Natalie after Kenny’s mother, Nathan after a deceased uncle, and Kelsey Ann after Bobbi’s mom middle name. Kenny Jr. was named after his father, while the two other brothers, Brandon and Joel, have names that are not connected to anyone in the family.
Bobbi and Kenny finalized the list of names before the birth, and Kenny had it in his wallet when Bobbi went into labor. As the kids emerged from the womb, he reeled off their names in a moment the medical team found heartwarming. Bobbi would later say that naming the babies before they were born helped her in her belief that all of them would be born healthy and grow up to become individuals with unique personalities.