Money Often Costs Too Much – Lottery Winners Who Lost It All

Sharon Tirabassi Returned to her Old Life

Sharon Tirabassi was a single mother living off of welfare up until 2004. It was that year when she won the lottery and cashed a check at the Ontario Lottery for over $10 million Canadian. She spent her money on a big house, some fancy cars, parties, and trips and helped out family and friends.


Source: Worldnation

Less than 10 years later, Sharon was back to riding the bus, renting out a house and even got a part-time job. She told The Hamilton Spectator that “ All of that other stuff was fun in the beginning, now it’s like back to life “. Fortunately, Tirabassi put some money aside for her six children in trust funds. The kids can have access to the money when they turned 26.

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