Meet Mary Bell: Britain’s Youngest Killer

It’s a well-known cliché: Kids can be so cruel. Usually, the phrase refers to name-calling in the playground or to excluding other kids from games. They might not want to sit with you at lunch or push you off the slide but be thankful you weren’t playing with Mary Bell. She makes all this schoolyard stuff look like… well, child’s play.

Mary Bell / Norma Bell / Mary Bell / Mary Bell.

Source: Getty Images

Sometimes kids are brutal in the most innocent of ways, but we can’t say that about Mary Bell. When you look into this case, you’ll understand what children are actually capable of given the right circumstances. This means their bloody crimes could be just as gruesome as grown adult crimes…. or even worse.

Today we are going to be discussing the youngest murderer in the history of the UK: 11-year-old Mary Bell.

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