How the “Bank Drama” of 1973 Brought Us Stockholm Syndrome

A Man With a Plan

Jan-Erik Olsson was a very clever 32-year-old criminal from Sweden who could speak English with an American accent. He was a man with a plan, and part of his plan involved a second robber – someone who was sitting in jail. But Olsson, fresh out of prison for grand larceny, was confident his buddy would meet him soon.

A portrait of Jan-Erik Olsson / An exterior shot of the bank.

Jan-Erik Olsson. Source: YouTube

He placed his transistor radio on a teller’s counter and put rock music on full blast. He gave a male bookkeeper some rope to tie up a female stenographer named Kristin, by the hands and ankles. As she twisted onto her side, she saw another bound co-worker, Birgitta, lying nearby. The same bookkeeper was ordered to tie up another female employee, Elisabeth. All were in their 20s, one of them was a mother.

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